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ELS Completes Commercial Operating Model Study for Jemena regarding Port Kembla LNG Import Terminal

30 Dec 2021

PERTH, AUSTRALIA - Dec 30, 2021 - Equity Lifting Solutions (ELS), an international leader in energy and infrastructure solutions, announced today that it has successfully completed an extensive study on operating models for Jemena, regarding the East Coast Port Kembla LNG Import Terminal, a key project undertaken by the Australian Infrastructure Group.

Jemena, an Australian company that owns and operates a diverse portfolio of energy and water transportation assets across the east coast of Australia, commissioned the study. With assets like the Eastern Gas Pipeline in its portfolio, Jemena's presence in the energy market plays a significant role in supplying energy to the region.

Equity Lifting Solutions facilitated several commercial workshops during the course of the study to define the LNG import and regasification supply chain. These sessions identified the opportunities and risks for project participants operating in various segments of the supply chain.

The outcome of this rigorous study is a comprehensive 50-page report that provides Jemena with operational benchmarks of similar multi-user projects, as well as several options that may be feasible for their industry engagements. This report is expected to assist Jemena and its partners in making informed decisions to enhance the efficacy and profitability of their operations in the East Coast Port Kembla LNG Import Terminal project.

Commenting on the completion of the study, Ken Chan, the Managing Director of Equity Lifting Solutions, said, "We are proud to have applied our experience on LNG multi-user assets to this novel solution for Australia's East Coast gas shortage problem. These complex commercial problems are what ELS's industry experts are uniquely positioned for."

Equity Lifting Solutions continues to establish its reputation as a trusted partner in energy and infrastructure development projects. With their expertise in managing complex commercial problems and their ability to deliver comprehensive solutions, ELS is poised to contribute significantly to Australia's future energy infrastructure.

About Equity Lifting Solutions:

Equity Lifting Solutions is a leading provider of solutions for energy and infrastructure sectors worldwide. With a team of industry experts, ELS delivers innovative and strategic solutions to tackle the most complex challenges in the energy market. Their services include consultancy, project management, and studies on various aspects of energy and infrastructure projects.

For more information, please contact:

Ken Chan

Managing Director Ph: +61 405 990999


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